I will be spending 2 weeks studying at the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem but I wanted to go early in my trip to see the holy city.
Going with a friend from Tel Aviv, we took the train from the central train station in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with one stop in Ben Gurion airport. The train was fast and extremely comfortable. It even had plugs for charging phones.
The train was pretty fast but not bullet speed. The railway's design speed is 160 kilometers per hour with a travel time of 28 minutes from Tel Aviv HaHaganah railway station to Jerusalem–Yitzhak Navon railway station.
Eventually, trains from Jerusalem are expected to continue from Herzliyah all the way to Carmiel in the north.
There are plans to continue expanding the train routes. This is not an easy task as you can imagine. Here is the map of the proposed routes under consideration, with dots indicating tunnels.
Now that the Yitzhak Navon Station is completed, an extension is planned into Jerusalem with two additional stations: one near the city center, and one in the Old City whic has already been dubbed "The Western Wall Station".
It was an easy and fast way to travel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and I will do it again soon.
Looks like you are having a fantastic time. Enjoy Have fun and study well