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  • Writer's picturedanaevankaplan

Rabbi David Azoulay of YOZMA in Modiin

We believe that the community framework enhances social, spiritual and educational activities for families and individuals.

Community activity includes programs around the Jewish calendar, social programs, and volunteer leadership development programs.

Community activities include:

  • Family hikes

  • Community Shabbat dinners

  • Happening and social and experiential activity around the holidays

  • Community dialogue circles

  • Meetings of learning and experience with artists

  • Lectures

  • Meetings of neighbors to bring together Jews, Arabs and Christians

  • Interfaith and interfaith learning sessions - learning and learning the various streams of Judaism

  • Community running group at the races

  • Mishloach Manot


YOZMA was founded in 1997 with the intention of creating an Israeli community in the spirit of the Movement for Progressive Judaism that seeks to improve the world and social justice, and initiates social, educational, spiritual and cultural services based on Jewish values.

Through the content and community activity YOZMA seeks to offer a Jewish, progressive and pluralistic way that will encourage the Israeli public in the region to take the initiative and define its Jewish identity.

Since its establishment, with about 20 families and up to now, with about 1,000 families, the association seeks to promote and strengthen programs of Judaism as a culture, with the intention of turning our community into a culture of the people. Learning and familiarity with the "cart of Jewish content and tradition" even among non-traditional families.

This activity is done out of the belief that the Israeli-secular audience is thirsty for a cultural, Israeli, Jewish-Zionist identity. The YOZMA are working tirelessly in the fields of education, informal education, community and society in order to create a relaxed society that feels equal rights in its culture.

The organization's target audiences include free Israelis who seek a Jewish home and community that promotes pluralistic Jewish education, study activities, a broad Jewish lifestyle and extensive social justice activities. This is about 1,000 families in the city of Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut; Including 550 students in the organization's daily education system, about 200 adult and youth students in the informal study circles, about 200 families praying in the Reform synagogue in the city and hundreds of volunteers every week in the social justice activity.

The synagogue has a synagogue and an active spiritual center, an educational system that includes: kindergartens, elementary school and vibrant youth movement, an Israeli beit midrash, a beit midrash for English speakers, study programs and ceremonies for members of the community, , Community dinners, Shabbat experiences, a rich leisure center, afternoon and evening, interfaith dialogue sessions and activities for extensive social and volunteer involvement.

The organization is well known among the broad audiences of the city of Modi'in and among its members. The organization's leaders - employees and volunteers over the years have taken and still participate in pluralistic activities - religious and secular - Arab and public holidays, public gatherings, Gvanim programs (Federation of San Francisco), continuous partnership with the municipality in all its departments. Appreciation and prizes for the activities of the Association from municipal, national and international bodies.

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