Rabbi Irving "Yitz" Greenberg -- The 3 Great Eras in Jewish History
West Valley temple hosts religious school open house
Rabbi Alan Alpert of Muskegon, Michigan helps me to find my way to the Hartman Institute
Israeli Hostages Constantly in the Public Discourse
Alex Tseitlin -- Important YouTuber on Jewish History and Thought
My Hosts In Jerusalem -- David and Michelle
Study at Hartman Institute
First day at Hartman institute
Academic Conference on the Sanctuary of Silence
Traveling to Jerusalem
Breakfast and Learning About Displaced Persons at the Hotel
Massive Demonstration for Freedom of Captives
Israeli Breakfast at Crowne Plaza Tel Aviv Hotel
Shabbat Breakfast at Crowne Plaza Tel Aviv City Center Hotel
Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Services in the Tel Aviv Port
Car Memorial
Very Sad Visit to the Nova Music Festival